This day, one year ago...
we breathed the air of uncertainty, unable to believe the impossible that actually was.
This day, one year ago...
questions flooded our minds, and pain filled our hearts.
This day, one year ago...
we prayed from within begging for the salvation of those we hardly knew.
This day, one year ago...
we were all brothers fighting alongside one another, knowing that although we lost lives, we really won.
This day, one year ago...
even the farthest came back, if not for eternity, then just for a moment.
This day, one year ago...
all were eager to give anything, do anything, just so that G0d could go back on his ways.
This day, one year ago...
History changed. it now had another chapter to tell over, another event to file.
this day, one year ago...
we changed. our outlooks changed. we became more giving, caring people, maximizing each moment as if it were our last. Cuz we knew then, that G-d gives and G-d takes. We are just living on borrowed time, time not meant to be wasted away by frivolities but filled with acts of goodness and kindness.
And now, its one year later. Time heals, you know. Like it or not. Take it or leave it. Sure, the pain's there, but sadly, we've come to terms with the reality of it. We see now that there is no going back. Whats done is done. All we have from here is to go forward, move onward.
So while the Hachlata sheets are passed back, I take one, and stare at it sheepishly. I know that it's is the least I can do to give back to those that gave so much more. But I can't. Suddenly, that paper becomes a soggy sheet drenched in my confusion, letters smudged by my ego. All my doubts come creeping out, telling me that hachlatos are of no use and have no meaning... and "Since when do u believe in these things anyways?"
Since when?
Since when?
Since forever.... until this day, one year ago.
Miss Bossy Pants
“Go to the party”, the voice urged me.
One of tens or maybe hundreds of voices overlapping in my psyche; this was
my Bossy Pants voice.
Not to be conf...
7 years ago
this is chilling. I could not have written it better.
ReplyDeleteplease, do the world a favor and send this to, or shmais, this has to get published! write it anonymously, i dont care, but if u dontsend it ill send it in your name. deal?
wow. amazing article!!!! luuv it!
ReplyDeletewooooooow.....harshhhhhhh. but woooow ;)