Wow. After such a week all I can say is "Thank G-d it's Friday!"
I'm sooo exhausted... and wayyyy over-tired... and I can never stop this train of random thought that's keeps chugging through my head. Every day I plan to update my blog. I write posts in my head, of course, about what a crazy day I had in camp, about who I hung out with this week, and my thoughts which, of course, keeps the world spinning round. But I never actually got the chance to put em down on paper... (or web page... whatever...).
I met my new campers this week! They're soo cute and crazy and I seriously love them all (though I must say, I DO have faves...shhh! Don't tell the directer ;) !
Being a camp counselor for teaches you tonnz of life lessons. Seriously. Here Goes:
Number One: Never give kids grapes on a bus... they throw the bad ones on the floor and step on em and squish em to a pulp... and never mind that. just wait till there aren't enough seats and ur forced to sit on them.... (eewww... shivers).
Number Two: Basketball cards are great motivators
Number Three: Michael Jackson is alive ("Hey! Morah! Look! I see Michael Jackson outside!" me-"No way! You're lying!" "Noooo!!! Even Eitan and Emma saw him too! And now were watching a make pretend Michael Jackson mooovie... so go away cuz ur baahdering us!!!"
Number four: Rickety old yellow school buses make the most annoying sounds in the world!
Number five: Never go on trips on a fast day... cuz then you'll get stuck in traffic for two hours, have two kids throw up, not have enough seats, and spend only an hour at the actual location. Then, on the way back, you'll get stuck in more traffic, get rear ended, the cops will take forever to come, and you'll have to make dreadful phone calls to parents about arriving back to camp 2 and a half hours after it has officially ended!
Number six: individual water bottles may be pricey when you have tonz of kids to feed, bus never try pouring those gallon ones while on a bus... you'll be lucky if your only half drenched.
Number Seven: Ninjas are something scary and vampires suck blood. I have no clue what a ninja is, but my friend just confirmed that I got the vampire thing right... which is good, especially because my campers told me I'm one.
Number Eight: You can text from a DS.
Number Nine: What some people find annoying, other people find as ____________ (any positive adjective, you fill in the blank).
Number Ten: Don't eat your snack in front of campers... They'll beg you for some and then step on your head when you don't give in.
Number Eleven: Never give a treat to one camper, unless its for a specific reason. Otherwise you'll have herds of kids begging you for one.
Number Twelve: Persians are always late (not to sound prejudice or anything, but we start camp at nine and the second kid only arrives at nine fifteen.)
Number Thirteen: Some people are easygoing (and very easy-going about the fact that their child lost his swimsuit and sunscreen twice).
Number Fourteen: and some people are difficult. (and not that very easy-going with the fact that you didn't personally hang up their child's towel to dry after swimming... HELOO!?!!? We have 16 kids here and there is nowhere to hang up so many towels! and seriously... what's the big deal?!?!?!)
Number Fifteen: That just cuz they're young, doesn't mean they're innocent. I've heard more taboo words this week then I have ever... all coming out of the mouths of 6 year olds!!!!
Number Sixteen: Last, but not least, or at least because I know there are tonz more but I can't think of any at the moment... Kids are Just precious!!!! :) :)
And don't talk to me about next week yet... First let me enjoy my weekend pullleeeze! SLEEPP!!! HERE WE COME!
Miss Bossy Pants
“Go to the party”, the voice urged me.
One of tens or maybe hundreds of voices overlapping in my psyche; this was
my Bossy Pants voice.
Not to be conf...
7 years ago
ReplyDeletethanx for the rundown of ur week
sounds like a blast
still missing u back here!!!
sounds like my weeks -
ReplyDeletelesson i learnt
kids need so much attention it's scary
shabbat sholom..have an awesome summer!
Stery. I am feeling very lonely in the blogger world. Care to join me? U can call it sterelcakes.blogspot.comor something like that.
ReplyDeleteand tova- Izzat you? I see u changed ur blogger name if so ;)
ReplyDeletewait, i gotta process that...
bbbarfy....hehehe number one...ISRAELI. number two...u luv em and u no it!!! :D but get READY for this week..........
ReplyDeleteGosh. I just got the Best Compliment in the world. ;) Hard Work pays off ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd ISraeli?! KKK...
ReplyDeleteAnd OF COURSE I LOVE THEM---> HELLO??!!? These kids cud not get cuter :)
this is the most nerdy-est blog i ever freakin saw like omg what the heck
ReplyDeleteThanks faigy :P Ill take that as a comliment.. because Ive always aspired to being nerdy