Miss Bossy Pants
“Go to the party”, the voice urged me.
One of tens or maybe hundreds of voices overlapping in my psyche; this was
my Bossy Pants voice.
Not to be conf...
Base Line
The sign said "Park closes at dusk" which I expected, but I went in anyway.
The path wound along the water and I followed it, I wanted to get to the
end ...
MyShtub has moved. I will no longer be blogging here at blogspot, and
eventually this will be taken down. But no worries everything including all
the old a...
I read an article on the train this evening that really got me thinking, so
I did the obvious and asked on FB, "So how many shluchim have ever done
this?" ...
We're moving out, people!
I've got a new blog...so we'll keep this one active as a homage to the good
ol' times, but come have a look http://www.rachelfell...
Piece of Cake
i got this in a forward but it was so good i had to share it...
...Sometimes we wonder, "What did I do to deserve this?" or "Why did God
have to do this t...
Some Terrifying News
I heard some terrifying news that indicated there is a terrorist group in
Crown Heights. I think we need to form an anti-terrorist group that will
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become char...
miss bogo ur frivolous and disgusting behavior is deplorable.... !!! thsi is HIGH SCEWL things are difffferant ! and im very proud u used ur literary devices barfy to analyze the hydrogen ... maybe write an hykue on it !?!?
umn as far as im conserened i think she analized the hydrogen :):):) chaya though u think u r a hundred percent normal..... i wanna brake it to ya slowly
bogo so how did u know of the frivoles behavior if u dont go on?!?!? im suspecting u... but i love it u rock barf u too the pix r amazing!
this is what happens when two wackos bang their heads together ....!!!!
ReplyDeleteCHAYA>>>>>>>> dont deny thAT UR ONE TOO :p
me !?!
ReplyDeletewould u eva !?
hallow im SO normal....
still trying to work on u guyz and get u to that stage...!!!
CHAYA BRON I TAKE OFFENSE!!! who you callin a wacko?? it takes one to know one!!
ReplyDeleteand NO barfy i dont check ur blog... i came on to be utterly APALLED at chaya's AUDACIOUS comment!!! :P
ReplyDeletemiss bogo ur frivolous and disgusting behavior is deplorable.... !!! thsi is HIGH SCEWL things are difffferant ! and im very proud u used ur literary devices barfy to analyze the hydrogen ... maybe write an hykue on it !?!?
ReplyDeletechaya--- u mean HYDRANT :P
ReplyDeleteumn as far as im conserened i think she analized the hydrogen :):):) chaya though u think u r a hundred percent normal..... i wanna brake it to ya slowly
ReplyDeletebogo so how did u know of the frivoles behavior if u dont go on?!?!? im suspecting u...
but i love it u rock
barf u too the pix r amazing!
its hydrant!!
ok, who is chayalicious....
omg thats amazing!!!!! i love it mushka!!!
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU cma!!! finally someone who gets it lol
ReplyDeleteoooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my apologies chaya, i missed the first 17 times :P