As I walked home from selichos tonight, I realized that I have so much to be thankful for. Now, this was not the first time I realized this. In fact, every day I am thankful to hashem for providing me with multitudes of blessings. For my life, for my family and for my education.
But tonight's realization was something different. I realized that there is so much more I should be thankful for. Of course, its not huge. Its not small. Its not pretty. You cant even touch it. In fact, its much more then that.
It's a G-d granted power. The power to do teshuvah. We all make mistakes. We all do our wrongs. Like this morning, my alarm clock rang. I knew it was shabbos. Ok- fine. so, am I not suppossed to get my menucha? ?
I pushed the off button. (with my elbow, of course!)
As soon as I did it, feelings of regret overwhelmed me.
But one thing I knew I could do teshuvah.
I know Hashem will forgive me. I know. I know. I know!!
And thats just another reason why I love Hashem ;)
And then I got thinking. G-d granted us the power to beseech forgiveness. But its more than that. He gave us the power to forgive.
I know I' ve wronged my friends, in somew way or another. And it's not hard to think up of times I have.
Like, loshon hara... it came out of my mouth, not meaning to do wrong. It was just a simple little conversation. But someone was hurt and affected. Myself included, For those guilt feelings linger.
Or when you called me to study with you, and in the end I left you waiting, while I went to study with someone else.
Or that time when I was just soooo stressed out and busy and just simply forgot about you when you needed me most.
Or when I forgot to call you to tell you I was running late and made you stand out in the cold for hours.
Mistakes are made by the best of us.
But we ALL have a G-d granted power.
Use it.
Before the Yomim Neerayim, I am beseeching forgiveness from my friends from the bottom of my heart.
I want to start the new year with a clean record and a neshama pure with the gladness of hashem.
Ksiva vachasima tova and all the best.
Miss Bossy Pants
“Go to the party”, the voice urged me.
One of tens or maybe hundreds of voices overlapping in my psyche; this was
my Bossy Pants voice.
Not to be conf...
7 years ago
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