Im all alone in my prison. Just me. And a crank on the wall.
They say that on the other side, there is a mill.
And that every time it turns, wheat becomes flour.
Knowing this has become my only source of comfort.
My source of hope.
My lifeline.
Every day I put in effort. The wheel may be hard to turn,
but I turn it for my good.
For my sanity.
And I put my faith in you.
That when I am free, I can proudly say that the effort was given,
and the rewards are mine, and reap the fruits of my labor.
But what if its all A lie?!
What if I turn the wall and there is really nothing there?
I keep walking in circles with my eyes closed.
Blinded by my faith? Maybe.
But at the end of it all,
will I have produced my wheat?
Or just lost a couple of pounds...
as I walked around in circles.
With my eyes closed.
Miss Bossy Pants
“Go to the party”, the voice urged me.
One of tens or maybe hundreds of voices overlapping in my psyche; this was
my Bossy Pants voice.
Not to be conf...
7 years ago